MSRC Students
The MSRC hosts over 200 researching students (undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral) who work in diverse scientific fields.
Brought together in a multicultural environment and highly specialized facility, our students are encouraged to academic excellence while developing friendships, receiving academic advising, and participating in cultural, social, and intellectual activities.
MSRC student enrollment is processed through all 21 principal investigators ascribed to the Center and is constantly nourished as new research proposals are granted to our faculty.

The MSRC 200+ researching students come from the University of Puerto Rico (Rio Piedras & Medical Sciences campuses), and their enrollment is channeled through the faculty ascribed to the Center. Therefore, if you are a student interested in our faculty research, want to collaborate, or need further information in this matter, please follow the link below and contact our investigators. They will be happy to hear from you!